Friday, December 30, 2011

Classipress Premium wordpress theme

This is 100% full version of classipress Ultimate Edition.
Here are fixes:
- fixed hierarchy breadcrumb issue where not all parent categories showed up
- fixed tooltip and image upload javascript related issues on the edit ad page
- fixed problem where empty search with a category selected resulted in incorrect results
- fixed all the classes that were labled ad-[classname] and changed the prefix to post-[classname] to avoid Ad Blocker Plus issues
- fixed single ad page contact form which no longer allows you to send messages by just filling out the captcha equation
- fixed custom email headers that caused gmail to send the email as an attachment
- fixed pagination arrows on the homepage that were not working correctly
- fixed warning that was displayed when turning on “Hide Empty Child Categories”
- fixed css spacing issue for multiple blog categories displayed
- fixed dashboard stats plotting graph in IE
- fixed colorbox so it is compatible with WordPress 3.1
- fixed IE6/7 javascript issue making it possible to edit drop-down fields from those browsers
- fixed tinyMCE so it is compatible with WordPress 3.1. Also fixed validation issues including the issue with chrome and tinyMCE
- fixed edit ad page to properly update new custom posts type tags
- fixed tinyMCE validation error message locations
- fixed styles for edit ad page where image meta data was not floating correctly in IE
- fixed radio button issue both with the edit ad page and with the “None” selected issue
- fixed clock and folder icons so the bottoms aren’t cutoff in IE
Here are changes:
- added option to remove the “No Categories” text from the categories lists
- added jQuery validation to the comments fields on both single ads and blog posts
- added new cron job viewer tab under “System Info” admin page

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