Monday, December 26, 2011

Truth About Making Money Online Guides

“Make $1,000 a day! No work, just sit down and watch the money flowing!”
If you have ever visited popular Internet marketing forums such as Warrior Forum, you must have seen hundreds and thousands of “Warrior Special Offers” screaming at your face, trying to “help” you make millions of dollars every year by doing “nothing”. The Internet marketing guru wants to share his secret with you so that you can make insane amount of money without having to work. You can quit your 9-5 job and enjoy your life. You just need to buy their product or course and your PayPal account will get flooded with hundreds of payments every day. All of it without any effort.
The guru will show you “proof” of payments they have received. The offer page will have shit load (please excuse my language) of “rave reviews” screaming that this is offer is the real deal and make you rich overnight. On top of that there will be some Warrior Forum founder sending you the “real deals” in your mail box. The founder will assure you that he has verified the authenticity of the claims being made in the offer. “They are true. You can’t  afford to miss this opportunity.” You are forced to convince yourself that this offer will free you from the shackles of your 9-5 job and make you rich. You click on the link and make the payment. Bang! You got mail! With high hope, you open the packet.
Did you already know the information provided in the ebook or video? Bam! I have felt the same way at several occasions. (If you ever find yourself in such a spot, make sure to ask for a refund if the seller has a money-back guarantee.) The information being sold by the Internet marketing gurus is available on the Internet. All that you need to do is put some effort and dig it out.
There is no such thing as easy money. If you want to make money, you need to work, work hard, work harder. Even the gurus selling you “work only 4 hours a week” programme works for a large part of his day. They make big money because they spend a lot of time conceptualizing and creating products. That’s the ugly truth.
So how do you make money online? Is Internet marketing just a mirage? No. People do make money online, but it’s never made overnight. All those online entrepreneurs who make a living through websites, blog and online products have a long history of hard work, patience and perseverance. They have tried and tested various concepts and come up with their own ideas. They have spent long time without making a single penny through their online ventures.
Are Internet marketing forums like Warrior Forum total crap? Again, the answer is no. It doesn’t hurt to join these forums and learn from queries and advice of others.
All that I am saying is stay away from “make money fast” courses. Even if you buy all of them, you will not be able to realise your dream of financial freedom through online entrepreneurship. The Internet is a huge pool of information. All the knowledge that you need for making money online is available for free. Just dig them out. Use Google, Yahoo. Read articles on good Internet marketing blogs. Look at the business models of successful online ventures. Can you imitate them successfully? Can you find some vacuum to fill? Good luck!

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