Friday, December 23, 2011

Promoting a Business on Twitter

With Twitter being the one two (other being Facebook) most popular Social communities online, a business cannot ignore them and needs to make effective use of the benefits offered by incorporating Twitter in the overall marketing strategy and plan.
Twitter enables you to build relationships with your consumers and is an effective platform to tell the world about the business, the products and services offered and promoting various offers as well. Most of the big brands are present on Twitter and have a captive audience of thousands of followers.
Some tips to be kept in mind while doing a Twitter campaign are:
The profile should be complete along with a link to the website. The twitter handle should be related to brand or image. The page should be customized based on the color and logo of the brand. Relevant keywords should be added in the profile top make it searchable.

Promote the Twitter profile. Include it on the website homepage; email signature, on blogs, forums etc so that the number of followers increase and your audience reach is widened.

Engage the audience. You should keep the latest and updated information on the page.  Promote your product or service. Talk about it. Converse with the audience, share promotional offers with followers, share information with them.  You should reply to tweets to get the community thing going. New Launches can be bundled with offers.
If you have submitted something to sites likes Digg, Mixx, Reddit, you can tweet about it and create a viral loop.
Twitter can also act as a sort of help desk and feedback for the business. Even if you have an angry customer and you are able to resolve the issue to his satisfaction, you will have a huge audience who will be witness to your customer response and resolution. This will have far reaching positive effects than even TV ads. if you resolve his issue
Always remember Twitter is all about the community and you can use it as a tool to convert your followers into unpaid salesman and brand managers for your business.
About the Author: Catherine Jones writes for  She enjoys content and writing about the social sphere.

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