Friday, December 23, 2011

Quick Tips to Secure Your WordPress Blog

All bloggers want to secure and ensure their blogs from hackers. As we know that WordPress is one of the most widely used content management system (CMS) is a prime target for hackers. If your site receives many visitors and many readers, then hackers will target your site and hack personal information. They can also delete all your very important data. So we have to take some safety measures to prevent our WordPress blog from being hacked.

Here I am going to write down some very important and useful tips to secure your WordPress blog.
* Make regular backups:
This is the most important tip of all. You should backup your WordPress blog every week or two. There are many WordPress plugins that can do the backup for you. In case, if your site gets hacked and the hacker deletes all files on your server. You can then easily restore your WordPress blog.
* Change Passwords:
You need to change your WordPress blog and hosting account password every month. Choose a strong password consisting of numbers, symbols and capital letters.
* Keep your WordPress blog up to date:
As soon as an update of WordPress is released, take the time to update your blog because the new version may have some security flaws. Also keep the plugins up to date.
* Installation of Security Plugins:
Currently, there are many WordPress plugins that concern for the safety of your blog. I suggest using “Lockdown Login” and “Secure WordPress” These plugins adds extra security to WordPress by restricting the speed at which you can not go to logins, attempted from an IP range. So no need to worry about trying to guess the password.
* Protect your wp-admin folder:
Any hackers can hack your site if you do not apply to the password for the folder wp-admin, as this is the folder that contains secret information from your blog.
To make wp-admin folder password protected, follow the simple tutorial below.
* Login to your hosting account cpanel.
* Scroll down to find the “Security”.
* Click on “Password Protect Directories”.
* Click on “wp-admin” folder name.
* Create a user name and password and save settings.
* Implement “No Index” to content-WP-Plugins folder:
You need to apply no index wp-content-plugins folder to prevent plugin files from being indexing .
To apply “No Index” wp-content-Plugins folder, follow the tutorial below.
* Login to your hosting account cpanel.
* Go to the bottom of the page to find the “Advanced”.
* Click on “Index Manager”.
* Click on the icon next to “wp-content” folder name. Do not click on the name of the folder wp-content directly, as it will prevent search engines index your content.
* Now click on the name of the folder “Plugins”.
* Next, select “no indexing” and save the configuration.
* Analyze your website virus scanner:
* In the same section “Advanced”, click “virus scanner.”
* Select “Search Entire Directory” and click Scan Now.
Do you know more security measures? If so, please let me know via comments and I will include them in this post.

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