Friday, December 23, 2011

Simple steps to promote a website-Webmasters Section!!!

Once you have built your new website, you don’t have time to sit back and admire your creation, the work is just beginning. Thousands of web pages are being added to the Internet every day and if you want your page to be visited, then you have to make special efforts to promote your site. No two sites are equal and there may be a particular promotion method that works best for you, however, here are seven methods that you can consider before launching your promotion campaign:
1. Get your site listed in the major search engines.

At the present time most Internet traffic is delivered by three search engines: Google, Yahoo and MSN. If you want “free” traffic, then your site must be listed in these search engines and it must appear prominently when someone makes a query using a keyword or phrase that is related to your business or your activity. Getting listed is not a big problem as the three major search engines use “spiders”(robotic programs) that scour the Internet constantly looking for new sites. The best way to be found by the spiders is to get a link to your site from a website that is already listed in the search engines. Ask your web designer, your hosting firm, your friends or business associates to link to your new site.
After a few weeks check to see if your site is listed in the search engines. If you are not listed then you will have to manually submit your site using these urls: Google: . Yahoo: and MSN:
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