Friday, December 23, 2011

Some webmaster tools provided by Google to Webmasters Online

Google provides the best help for webmaster to optimise their websites online and some SEO tools online are ehere listed by the Google Inc to webmasters.!!!

Google Webmaster Tools: It is essential to know the condition of our websites in Google. Here we can see errors Google found, as well as tips to improve the website.
Google Analytics: The main tool to control access statistics. With your data we can make decisions about what is the best strategy for publishing content.
Google Website Optimizer: You can try different versions of your site that will be randomly displayed to visitors, allowing to obtain sufficient data for us to make decisions about design changes.
Google Zeitgeist: To view the most wanted in a given year. It helps to know the trends before starting a new project.
Google Trends: Allows you know how much or little that is sought a sentence or word in Google, allowing to compare curves between them. There are only the most popular.
Google Insights for Search: Allows you wanted to see what is a phrase or word, regardless of popularity.
Google Traffic Estimator: Made for Adwords, allows us to draw conclusions about the views that a particular word generates.
Google Keyword Tool: Also made for Adwords, we can help you choose the best words in our texts to attract more visitors.
Google Search Tool Based Keyword: Another option that allows us to find keywords on specific websites.
Google Ad Planner: For statistical profile of visitors to any website.

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